Thursday 1 May 2014


During this module there was a lot that I had learned and a lot of new terminology.
My favourite task of all was the question we had to come up with using word association because it helped me shed some light onto my topic, which was the reason why style changes with history, before this module I'd never have pointed out that rotoscoping would change with history.

This module has helped me with so much practical work being set, it's gotten me into the habit of documenting class notes the second that I get into class, even if it means that I was late, in some of my notes I was late, but because I was writing down what people were discussing I was able to look back and pick up on what people were talking about.

I am thankful that I had been taught some new terminology like "Fantastical, Context, Form and Content".
When I analysed pieces of work before the module, I would still discuss the form of which the animation took, the context and meaning and the content with great description, but I'd never separate them into the titled categories, my analysis would be messy and disorganised.
This module has helped me discipline myself into putting things into grouped paragraphs.

I also learned about Harvard bibliography, but unfortunately I never really demonstrated it and I still find that to be a huge weakness of mine, but I find that if I'm recognizing this as a disadvantage, it will become an advantage by remembering it more often as a mistake I learned from. I believe if I train myself to use the library more often, I will be more obligated to look for the information that I am looking for rather than just searching on the internet.

The other things that I need to improve on is giving myself enough time to complete tasks in an organised manner, in future modules I will be doing this by documenting time plans and including these plans into my Blog notes. I already pointed out that I really need to improve on the Harvard referencing system. Another improvement that I was asked to do by my lecturer is to include more imagery in my essays as visual content is very good for demonstration and presenting and using as examples.

Over-all I believe that this module has helped me to notice my own strengths and weaknesses among all of my written work, but has also helped me to categorise everything into terminology that I now also know because of lesson tutorials. Though I didn't demonstrate much of my newly learned skills throughout the module as much as I should, I've made myself a promise to practice these new skills throughout the rest of my work, because I believe that I can really benefit from them.